0086-371-8709 1886


Room 605.Unit 1.Building 4. No.39 Huayuan Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

Concrete mixing plant batching system and electrical system


Concrete mixing plant in the production process, protect batching system intact, and good is more important for circuit work. Batching system decided to raw materials that ensure the quality of concrete products. Good can not only effectively promoted the production of circuit and circuit safety is more important, safety first. Production process in concrete mixing plant, concrete mixing plant batching system for how to better ensure good, is one of the more important issues for operators. Therefore, when the planetary concrete mixer at the time of production, many concrete mixing plant batching system will choose suitable protective devices to be protected. When the moisture sensor and weighing of concrete mixing station sensor fault. Component analysis showed that the high Breakdown voltage to the circuit board or insulation between the sensor and the metal shell, destroying in whole or in part in electronic components and sensors or force sensors.
Batching systems due to the high voltage power protection controller case, everything that appears in it, find its way to the surface through the shortest path problem on the device appear. When this situation occurs, the path from the controller to the ground long.


Tel: 0086-371-8709-1886   E-mail: concrete.sales@zzbona.com

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